Dispute Resolution
With this Dispute Resolution Policy, ROFEL – INDUSTRIA METALURGICA DE AGUEDA LDA, a private limited company, registered with the Commercial Registry under company number 500.620.601, with its registered office in Barrô, parish of Barrô and Aguada de Baixo, municipality of Águeda, from now on “Rofel“, aims to inform Customers/Users of its policies and procedures regarding the resolution of disputes through the use of the website operated by Rofel – https://www.rofel.pt/.
Rofel is committed to resolving any disputes with its customers/users.
Through alternative dispute resolution, clients/users are given the opportunity to turn to official organisations to help them resolve and/or guide them through a conflict, before resorting to the courts, thus corresponding to a faster and less expensive way of resolving disputes.
Law no. 144/2015 of 08 September, as amended, which transposes Directive 2013/11/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 21 May 2013, stipulates the concept of “Consumer” for alternative dispute resolution in consumer disputes, so all customers/users who fall within this definition and who have used Rofel‘s services may turn to official entities to resolve a conflict, to the detriment of recourse to the Courts.
The up-to-date list of Alternative Dispute Resolution bodies is drawn up by the Directorate-General for Consumer Affairs, according to article 17 of the aforementioned law, so in any case you can contact one of the centres listed below:
- National Consumer Conflict Information and Arbitration Centre (CNIACC);
- Consumer Conflict Arbitration Centre of the Coimbra Region (CACRC);
- Lisbon Consumer Conflict Arbitration Centre (CACCL);
- Porto Consumer Information and Arbitration Centre (CICAP);
- Consumer Information, Mediation and Arbitration Centre (Consumer Arbitration Court) (CIAB).
Furthermore, in the event of a consumer dispute, you can always use the European dispute resolution platform or the Complaints Book.
Date last updated 03/06/2024.
Made by FONTES COSTA – SOCIEDADE DE ADVOGADOS, SP, RL – https://fontescostaadvogados.pt/